Monday 11 July 2011

Are there any English People on this site?

I have been trying for quite some time now to reach an English audience, someone who lives and was born in England. Someone who does not constantly gush about their bloody marvellous spoilt brainless brats! Why would anyone want to know about what little Johnny did last night, personally I couldn't give a monkey's fuck what the little twat did! Is there anyone out there who does not think that they are the next J.K.Rowlings. Someone who does not write reams and bloody reams about stuff they obviously know very little about! Someone who I can debate with. Someone who understands English Politics. Someone who would like to see England for the English!
All I seem to get is third grade ignorant Bloody yanks who all look and sound like Sara Bloody Pallin!.Why would anyone want to know about uncle Bert Passing away last year? And whilst I'm on the subject, can we please have some English TV programmes on the box, I'm sick to my back teeth of that stupid yanky drawling shite that falls out of very film or programme that we seem to get these days....Grrrrrrrr. It really pisses me off.......Yours truly, Mr Bloody Angry!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Rebekah Brooks, Rupert Murdoch.....Shame on You!

Rebekah Brooks…It Brings Joy to My Heart!

At last, the tables seem to have turned on to the low lives that run our Newspapers, in particular The News of The World and News Internationals Chief Executive, Rebekah Brooks, and Rupert Murdoch.
It may have missed your attention, but Miss Brooks is not without stunning looks and a body to die for….Mmmmmm! Wonder if it was that which attracted Mr Murdoch to promote her to the Chief Executives job at NI in the first place?
Listening to the News Broadcast last night and the hidden language regarding Mr. Murdoch and Miss Brooks, would have you believe that it was a little more than a quick smile and a handshake that promoted her to the position she now holds With “his very close relationship with Miss Brooks”

It is deplorable that these people think that they are beyond the law, and in the name of a good scoop they can wreck lives without so much as a thought for the victims of these heinous crimes.
It is inconceivable that the law will not come down on these two parasites and I hope come down with such force as to bury the bastards up to their necks where the rest of us can stone whatever is hanging out the top.
But I will predict here and now, with their usual arrogant aplomb the cheque book will emerge, huge payments will be made to just about anyone with long enough arms to take it from them, they will walk away unscathed to do it all again somewhere else!
David will spout his usual verbal diarrhoea to the House, and all his puffy mates will guff with glee that ‘Dave’ has spoken, and then it will hit the sink never to be heard of again!
But let me remind anyone reading this, we are talking about children’s lives here, we are talking about children that might have lost their lives as a direct result of the phone hacking and withdrawing potential evidence to corrupt the course of justice, I would remind anyone reading this that that is a serious offence which would normally result in a lengthy prison sentence. It will be interesting to know how many hours these two scroats manage to escape.It obviously will be down to the scape goat to do the time, mind you he or she will probably receive a nice bonus for doing so!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Further fuel price hikes on the way!

I see that Scottish gas is to put up Gas prices by 19% and Electricity by 10%. Whoopee, with petrol at over £9.00 a gallon, soon to rise even further, the knock on effect will be catastrophic for many of us.....Course, it wouldn't matter one jot to the majority of paper millionaires, they will simply go out and steal a bit more from the tax paying public. But is it not about time that the tax payers of this country stood up and was counted? We pay more in this country for fuel than anywhere else in the world!
We also pay more out in aid than any other country in the world.

So, what can we do about it,we could begin a programme of civil unrest. we could collectively refuse to pay our council taxes, after all the police force is at an all time low, it's doubtful that they would want to get into a fight. The jails are full of druggies, The Army are out in different conflict zones at full stretch,
We also take in probably more immigrants than any other country in the world and it would appear impossible to remove them once they are here.

What WILL WE DO ABOUT IT? Nothing, absolutely nothing except sit round the bar if we are lucky enough to afford a trip to the bar, and moan about it!

Have we not got one group of people in this country with the balls and determination to put the Great back into Britain and pull us out of this shite?

Saturday 28 May 2011

A funny thing happened this morning, I got an e-mail informing me that blogger was missing me!!!!! How can that be true when no one reads them!!!!!

Monday 23 May 2011

Hog Roast for the Races...May

It's almost time for my new MK11 Hog Roast machine to hit the road. MK1 was a rather stumpy affair which was problematic when it came to attach a full 60 or 70 kilo pig. What I had to do was remove the saddle of the beast and cook that separately in my kitchen. Now I have completely redesigned the machine by welding two Oil drums together and widening the framework. The heaters are now situated on the outside of the drum in order to give better clearance on the inside for the beast to spin round on the spit.

I will be improving the flavour of the Pig this year with Oak chippings that will smoke slowly in the bottom of the drum which will give the pig a real smoky flavour when it is cooking. The Pig will be stuffed with my secret stuffing mix to give that wonderful flavour that can only be achieved by slowly cooking a pig on a spit.
Cooking time will take between six and seven hours so it means that I will be up at three am to ensure that the beast is ready for around ten am. The pork will be served on sesame buns with a serving of my own special sage and onion stuffing or apple sauce.  My first outing this year will be at Cartmel Races-in Cumbria  on Bank Holiday Monday In the village square. For further details contact me on
Mind you looking at the weather outside right now I think an Ark would be the desired mode of transport.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Saturday 7 May 2011

Pakistan did not know about Bin Liner...Don't make me laugh!

So for about six years Bin Laden lived a quiet secluded life in Pakistan, and the authorities say that they knew absolutely nothing about him being there... .MMmmmm....! I'll bet they didn't. But I I will bet my last tenner that many people in high places in Pakistan, were filling their pockets from his hush money every week.
For the record, Pakistan is one of the most corrupt places on the planet and if there is a fiddle to be made you can bet your last dollar that the Pakistani will find it. This is for the very same reason that when they come to this country they will only be employed in cash rich businesses such as Taxi driving or Kebab houses and restaurants...That way you see, they do not have to pay as much in tax as the rest of us. Perhaps if Pakistan did a census every now and again and if they had a tax system that made most of their population accountable they would have a much better idea of who is actually living in the country.Plus the fact that when they pulled in the revenue that this would generate, they might be able to feed and treat their sick with medicine instead of holding their hand out in the UK's direction all the time. Maybe some of the scrounging influx that we have here might decide to return home!Well that's my rant of the week over. No one reads them anyway....Tara